Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Turn And Face The Strange

You know it’s time for a change when you come home one day to find two guys hammering out giant holes in your kitchen. And thank God, because the electrical wiring system in the apartment building you’ve lived in for ten years is so outdated that everyone has been one simultaneous blow dry away from beginning the first only LA wildfire to start at the beach.

It’s ok, though…go ahead and knock walls down and free the squirrels and possums in the walls because it’s ’bout time I moved on (and out). I’m really ready for some major mid-life (crisis) overhaul action, as almost everything in my life feels like all those bottles of hair gel I can’t get rid of in my make-up drawer.

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I just rid of them.

I guess it’s time for an upgrade, a new operating system, a redesign (take your pick of techno-centric metaphors…I would use a home renovation metaphor like, gutting the bathroom or tearing out the linoleum, but I’m too codependent with those still traumatized by the housing crash…plus, I’m not sure if people know what linoleum is anymore).

Nonetheless, I’m ready to declutter my closet, personal life, and brain.

But, first, I need a job.

Just for today, I embrace change.