Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


New Job

Yesterday, several people at my new job walked up to me and introduced themselves. I thought maybe they mistook me for the person who received the giant bottle of Patron (it’s sitting on my desk next to a box of wine…). Then the same thing happened today. Who are these people?! I don’t have to work with them. What do they want from me?!

And then I realized…I’m not in LA anymore, Land of No Eye Contact and Parallel Universes.

I’ve worked at agencies for weeks without so much as a nod from the person sitting next to me, a few feet away, and yet, living in another world. I came to accept that that, in this Darwinian work culture, extraneous people were no more than possible objects of collision, like plants or walls. However, when they take super viagra uk , they feel a lot of pressure to perform sexually. Buy it in store viagra and demolish sexual hurdle like erectile dysfunction will take away your happiness. The chemical discount levitra of Kamagra Tablets worksvery proficiently in increasing the blood flow in the penile region tends to lose its erection during the actions of copulation. For IVF pregnancy treatment your diet must be based on tadalafil tablets prices fresh fruits and veggies, brown rice, nuts and beans. Names came way too later, after I’d gotten used to the nicknames (Goatee and Hip Rock T-Shirts Man), or after I’d been forced into a person’s Circle of Immediate Reality, like people thrown in an elevator together. Everything else is a blur. There are exceptions, but generally speaking the first few weeks or months of working in a new place is a time of invisibility. You may be gone a few weeks later. You’re expendable. You’re in Corporate America.

But my commute takes me outside of LA and into the midwest (aka, Orange County).

Just for today, I’m realizing what a callous bitch I’ve become.