Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


84 On I-5

SFX: Police siren.


“You’re supposed to pull over to the right. Not the left.”


“You knew that, didn’t you?”

“Yes, of course, Officer.”


“That’s another moving violation, but I’m only giving you one citation.”

“Thank you, Officer!”


“So, where ya headed?”


“Where are you coming from?”

“Los Angeles.”

“Why’d you move to Los Angeles?”

“To be a writer.”

“What have you written?”

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Apparently, the CHP take their jobs very seriously. (Where’s Ponch when you need him?)

I decided to consider it a Lucky Speeding Ticket. When you get a ticket for going 84 in a 70 MPH zone, something good is going to happen.

Just for today, I’m grateful for my Lucky Speeding Ticket.