Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Reconnecting On Facebook With Old Flames Who Are Now Scary

A friend of mine recently told me about a situation that could only emerge in a post-Facebook climate. Her 7th Grade Crush contacted her one night via the chat feature (another scary thing, but that’s another blog) and they shared a redemptive moment in which they both confessed their mutually unexpressed pre-pubescent feelings. It might have been sweet, but then the guy went all Steve Buscemi on her and started writing in all caps about how he would NOT GO THROUGH THAT KIND OF PAIN AGAIN. After some polite, conciliatory exchanges she got off the chat and quickly de-friended her 7th grade amour.

Damn. Reality. In a zeitgeist of compulsive connection, the importance of un-networking yourself can get lost.

One night I discovered that My 7th Grade Crush is in jail for murder. However, according to his page (from which I gathered this info), his brother is responsible. (As if that’s supposed to make me feel better). I also happen to have known the brother. It cialis uk is a flowering plant with various properties that can have a profound impact on killing bacteria. My grandmother died in her early 60s of lung viagra buy in usa cancer. It’s cialis pills effects of possible to buy generic medicines online nowadays. This medicine is safe to have. viagra store in canada is available in the market. My best friend kissed him. Yes, these were heady days. And while my 7th Grade BFF and I both now share the clarity of where our 7th grade passions would have led us, the question remains: Where the hell were our parents?!

So, as it turned out, my First Love Partner In Make-Out Session was/is what you might call a disreputable sort (scary gangster thug). His reputation is the stuff rap songs are made of. Word on the street is that he worked his way through “bitches” and “hoes,” destroyed lives, property, acquired a decent collection of tats, and ultimately proved that the penal system, while imperfect, can be sensible. Ok, so he’s not exactly Facebook friend material. I hate to say it, but I thought about.

“No, you are not friending him,” said my 7th Grade BFF (as well as her Husband who also happens to be my friend from 7th grade).

No, I’m not trying to reconcile an old love. But imagine the statuses…

Just for today, I have boundaries.