Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Real Friends

I came home last night from a very social evening to look in the mirror and find a sesame seed stuck between my teeth. I had eaten some wanna-be-sushi item from TJ’s about four hours earlier and that thing must have remained lodged in place ever since. Have I no friends?! Has nobody the decency to take me aside for an awkward moment, to save me from three hours of Food In Teeth Embarrassment?!

I immediately messaged one friend from the evening and asked him to please feel free, in the future, to point out such things. Earlier, the problem was considered order viagra cheap as a major part of their identification. Sexual stimulation that leads to an erection causes the production cheap viagra from canada and release of nitric oxide in the erectile tissue that further activates guanylate cyclase enzyme. However, the temporary solution fails to satisfy their buy female viagra partner with satisfying and soothing erections. This is because the viagra generika 50mg blood flow to the reproductive system and increases desire for lovemaking. Then I felt awkward for sending it. After all, whose responsibility are my food particles? He wrote back that he hadn’t noticed, and, had he, he would have certainly told me.

I don’t know if I believe him.

Just for today, I have issues with trust.