Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Stand Up Salsa Comic

I went to a salsa night at the Hotel Marina Del Rey on Friday with the intention of dancing for an hour and going home.  When I got out of my car I pulled a bunch of flyers for the stand up comedy show I produce (SUNDAY JANUARY 27TH, 1411 LINCOLN BLVD. FREE!) and asked the promoter if I could put them on the front desk.

Lately, I have fallen back in love with salsa dancing. There was a time when I stood around salsa clubs and felt sad.  No passion, no light.  My thighs got flabby, but I didn’t care. I just stopped going out. (BTW, yoga has nothing on salsa for making your body look “Bam!”) Not sure what changed.  Maybe because stand up comedy is so miserable or I got space from it, or maybe I’m no longer depressed, or because I’m writing a book about it, I suddenly feel a surge of desire to dance.

Around of 11:00 PM, DJ Charlie stopped the music to make some announcements and introduce a salsa dance team.  Most Beginner Students join dance teams to experience sequence, make up and star treck outfits, with the end result of improving dramatically. So I support it.

“We have a stand up comic here with us tonight!” I heard DJ Charlie say. I tried to hide in the corner, but then realized that I would passing up the biggest audience I’ve ever performed for.  People don’t go to salsa clubs to listen to women tell jokes, BUT THAT’S WHAT THEY WERE GETTING.

Here’s the joke I told in front of 200 salsa dancers:

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They loved it.

DJ Charlie is going to let me tell do time (“tell jokes”) at his other.


Just for today, I’m a Stand Up Salsa Comic.