Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist

Spoken In An Old Lady VoiceTV/MoviesWhite People

I Tried To Like “Girls”…I Really Did

I really wanted to like “Girls.” I admire Lena Dunham, she’s a woman writing and directing in Hollywood and that’s worthy of a high-five.  But here’s the thing…parents no longer financially supporting you at 25…that’s not really a Problem.  Being very depressed in your twenties…that may be a problem, but not on the level of tragedy or anything.  Just something to take responsibility, like a flat tire.  Falling for the “wrong guy” and friendships ending…very common life problems, but not worthy of darkly ironic music and serious plot points.  With lots of funny jokes it would be a sit com.  But there aren’t that many jokes, which makes “Girls” really a show about people who live the best lives ever, but seen through the lens of a dark exploration of cynicism and disillusionment.  IT’S CALLED BEING IN YOUR TWENTIES. (And 30’s and 40’s…IT ONLY GETS WORSE LENA).

Does Lena Dunham ever go out of her cocoon bi-coastal life of fabulous-ness to talk to people who struggle to keep their shitty jobs and deal with medical issues without insurance?

I don’t think she’s a bad person, but the show exemplifies the divide in this country.  It’s OK to live in the 1%. It’s freakin’ awesome.  And it’s OK to write and direct TV shows about your life. That’s also freakin’ awesome.  FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HAVE SOME PERSPECTIVE.

My kids are happy buy viagra india to play cards, video games or watch DVDs on their laptops. That is to say he’ll lie down and have sex with as many young buy cialis generic find out here women as possible. The bark cialis wholesale prices of this tree contains Yohimbine, which is a chemical and used to make yohimbe. Cons: * Erectile dysfunction medication also has a down-side, which viagra generico cialis simply means they can cause side-effects. I do like that Lena embraces her less than model-like body. So there’s that.

OK, I feel better.

Just for today, I no longer stand by “Girls.”