Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Peaks and Valleys

Mount Tallac, Tahoe
Lake Tahoe on the left, Fallen Leaf Lake on the right, me in the center in my “Changes In The Mating Strategies of White People” t-shirt (play publication later this summer!)

I climbed Mount Tallac. Because sometimes you need to scale a mountain to realize that life is not just an endless grind to pay bills and stay sane between allotted chocolate, wine or coffee binges. Sometimes we reach a peak where we can eat a mushy over-heated turkey sandwich and feel more vertical than horizontal.

The blessing of coming from a large and varied family is that sometimes I stay with my successful real estate aunt who talks to me about the flock of geese who swim in from the canals and poop on her boat dock. And then other times I stay with relatives who tell me about the time a distant cousin got out of jail after ten years and immediately committed armed robbery only to go back in again. I’m not trying to gain street cred my point is that it’s OK for life to be complicated, vast and hard because I would rather see the whole of it.

I have performed in creepy comedy clubs, bars, and coffee shops that double as homeless shelter. Not complaining, but boy, does a winery in Sonoma feel different!

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Lots of peaks and valleys on this trip. As luck would have it, I drove through Ridgecrest a full 30 minutes before the earthquake hit. I missed the excitement on the fourth of July (California was so excited to celebrate our nation’s holiday that it reminded us it might break off), but I did feel the July 5th one in Lake Tahoe. This earthquake was VERY community oriented. We ALL felt it.