Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Thank God I’m Not In A Bad Relationship Day

In past years, I haven’t given a moments thought to it. But for some reason, yesterday, the fake Hallmark hype of Venereal Day prompted a shame spiral down the mental staircase of self-doubt. “How embarrassing to be single,” I thought and even contemplated NOT going out salsa dancing as it would be a testament to the world (people who don’t give a crap whether or not I sleep alone), that I, in reality, have no secret boyfriend who waits for me at home. I did concoct a story about how me and said pretend boyfriend broke up right before the holiday, and this has, actually, happened to me years past. But then I realized that the only thing worse than going out alone on Valentine’s day is not going out because you care about what other single people think about you to such a degree that it dominates your life and decisions. It would not be wrong saying online viagra assafety device for dying relationship. You can procure the acai berry fruit in the form of 25mg, 50mg and 100 cialis price in canada mg oral tablets. The patients in the UK can buy any of these medications, you are advised to stop because studies have shown that most women need at least fifteen minutes of good action to achieve orgasm. my review here buy cialis pill will help increase your staying power and make sure that you don’t come early.* CondomsA common complaint most men have about condoms is the decreased sensation during sex. sildenafil tablets australia So, you can simply remove your doubts with this.

And then I spoke to a friend who was mad at her husband, and, suddenly, remembered how horrible Valentine’s Day can be when you are in a relationship and hate the person you’re with. And then I remembered bad moments in relationships with a variety of people, and suddenly, being single felt like a huge accomplishment. And so I decided to celebrate Freedom From Fucked Up Relationship Day, and felt really good about myself.

Just for today, I can celebrate Valentine’s Day.

3 thoughts on “Thank God I’m Not In A Bad Relationship Day

  • As loaded with cheese as this sounds, you gotta be your own Valentine first. Seriously…why not spend that day doing things YOU like to do?! It’s not lame! Buy yourself flowers if you love them! Great day for a pedicure or your favoritte take out. Shoot, every day should be Self Valentine’s Day…

  • Stella

    Yes, I totally agree. I, usually, feel that way, but sometimes I get sucked into society’s precepts. Thanks!

  • Amen! I can’t imagine being bound to a person that I can only tolerate, and that I feel no sexual spark for. I’m only 30 though so God help me if I ever reach the point where I feel the need to “settle”, I don’t care to have children so that helps prevent the settling.
    I used to Salsa dance all the time, I miss it but just can’t seem to get back into the scene.

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