Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Issues with a Pretentious Bourgeois Play

I saw a play called “Dinner With Friends” the other night (which somehow won the Pulitzer, though to me it felt like a slightly glorified Movie of the Week). It’s about Martha’s Vineyard WASPs who get all bent out of shape when their friends divorce and break-up their little bourgeois-Martha-Stewart-catalogue social scene. The writer went for the whole ambiguous, “let the audience determine what I mean because not taking a stand makes my writing profound.”

ANYWAY, at the end of the play the old married couple are angry that their good friends have divorced and are having great sex in new relationships, and I guess all of this is what passes for tragedy and drama in the Bush Administration. God forbid, we write and watch plays about fear, mis-directed anger, and the hang-over guilt of being a petulant world super-power. So, you’re friends have rejected the oppressive suburban illusion of security and are having better sex than you are…big deal!

ANYWAY AGAIN (I keep getting tangential), aside the fact that Yuppies getting a divorce is not really tragedy, the play ends with the married couple trying to justify and rekindle their marriage and because it’s ambiguous (the writer was being “complicated”) we don’t know if it’s happy or sad. My friend, who supports the institution of marriage, thought that that the whole thing ended on a sweet note. These kinds of over the counter natural supplements are called male enhancers, and you can easily find them online. viagra cipla india In Veterans Day is coax to respect the services of all U.S. military brave veteran, viagra prescription online to respect them for their patriotism and love for their nation, while Memorial Day is praised to remember everybody who kicked the bucket while giving services. Kamagra is not only a proven remedy for ED dilemma is viagra tablets uk preventing things that can cause it. Convenience One benefit of buying cialis canadian prices pills with internet is the convenience of purchasing the medicine. I, on the other hand, thought the play ended with the couple awakening to the fact that they had metaphorically chained themselves to a cement block and were spiritually rotting on their path to stagnation (to be slightly dramatic).

I’m not entirely sure if I have a point, but I think it might be this…GENERALLY, most representations of marriage look not-fun to me. Many of my friends feel differently. And what I want to know is, why is that? Did I miss a class? When did I not get socialized to support the institution of marriage? I mean I do want kids, and I do want to fall in love with my soul mate, and I do want a summer house. It’s just that placid domestic bliss looks more placid than blissful.

I know I’m going to have to marry my soul mate from many lifetimes over to keep the gig because I’m missing the gene that gives people an emotional attachment to the DREAM of MARRIAGE. And that just sort of narrows the pool.

Just for today, I accept my slightly negative view on the institution of marriage.