Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist



I prefer to think of it as “waiting for the right time,” or “creative percolation” or “getting in touch with God’s will (or time),” or “getting my bearings.” I know some people in program say that “nothing changes, if nothing changes,” but sometimes nothing changes because I am forcing My Will on the universe. Still…(if truth be told), nothing is changing in my life (at least on the outside). And while I know not to “compare and despair,” and not to “compare my insides with other people’s outsides,” and not to “should on myself,” I’m starting to think that maybe I’ve waited long enough for the right time, and talked enough about my Issues with Succes with my therapist, and read enough Deepak Chopra for seven lifetimes. Erectile dysfunction is supposed to be a nightmare in the bed cialis 5mg no prescription to satisfy their female partner. He finally signed a deal with generic levitra no prescription the Houston Astros in 2008. I invite you to take on this special enlightening experience below. prices viagra The first and buy sildenafil uk basic position is that to stop the progression of erectile dysfunction, certain lifestyle modifications are also required. Maybe maybe there is no right time to take risks.

Just for today, I am willing to gently let go of procrastination.