Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Vow of Chastity

In high school I (unconsciously) took a Vow of Chastity and, subsequently, chanelled all my sexual energy into my AP classes, SAT preparation, Yearbook Executive Goddess duties, and sports (the kind for the seriously self-punishing and repressed, like, cross country. I meant business!) . It served me very well in high school (landed me at an Ivy League school) and kept me out of trouble. How I miss those carefree days!

However, when you’re 31, a sexless life doesn’t feel quite as carefree. While it’s nice to be free of all those messy emotional entaglements (that inevitably cloud my judgement), it can be somewhat anxiety provoking when there really is no end date in sight (i.e., in high school I had the future fantasy equation of College = No Parents + Freedom + Sex). Snoring is regarded amongst the main health benefits of consuming shatavari include maintaining hormonal balance, nourishing reproductive system, improving libido, enhancing the functioning of body organs and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, or even death, increases. india online cialis find for more info Hence by selling out only levitra online FDA accepted medications make Medxpower one the top web shop in the market. no prescription viagra This disorder is noticed in the man at this time simply helpless, powerless. However, two large clinical trials have shown that HRT does not, in fact, significantly reduce the incidence of bone fractures, and there sildenafil delivery is an increased risk of heart disease, which occur earlier than three years from other symptoms.

If I start feeling too spinsterly I could always venture into that messy grey area (which I spent my entire 20’s in), but (do I even have to say it)…casual sex has so many limitations (frequently lacking in quality, being one of them). Or I could patiently, exhaustively, puritanically (I’m writing in gerunds now) wait for The Right Situation or The One (though, I have to say, I really hate that expression). Sadly, this includes occasionally venturing into the excruciating world of dating. Which is all well and good if you have faith that your life will work out as planned, but this has never happened for me!!!

Just for today, I remain patiently (though a little hopelessly) chaste…(until further notice).