Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist

Body Stuff

Male Doctas

I have to go the doctor’s office to discuss problems relating to sexual activity and that area of my body where my uterus and bladder meets everything else (please note: while in anatomy class it – organs and stuff like that – all looks neatly laid out like a map, it’s actually smooshed together like…I don’t know…laundry?) Anyway, the point is that I have to discuss, without irony, the details of my sex life (yes, amazingly, I have one) with an Adult Male (who I’m not having sex with) without wilting in shame [please note: I’m writing about this on a public web site not because I’m cool and “whatever” about Make sure that you generic online viagra consider manual or oral stimulation. So, get maximum of your sexual potency with help of generic vs viagra a few simple steps. Well that cialis generic france is the story of every third person these days. This is the mentally canadian pharmacy cialis involve issue in person which actually involve them mentally and make them fail to give pleasure in bed. broadcasting my personal life to the world, but because sans Sex and the City (God bless that show) I don’t read bout this stuff much in Protestant America.}

Talking to a male doctor about my “sex life,” well, there are only two places for me to go: Father Figure or Predatorial Male. I could possibly get to Concerned Male Authority Figure…but getting to a Sex and the City Hey-it’s-no-big-deal place…well, that’s just not going to happen.

My heart goes out to women living in patriarchal societies all over the world and throughout history.

Just for today, I can go to the doctor without shame.

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