Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist

The Truth

Typos Part II: OK…So Maybe Grammar is Kinda Important

I don’t like reading past entries of my blog because then I start to notice the typo orgy and the crimes of grammar I commit while in my frenzed I’m-So-Creative-I-Don’t-Need-To-Actually-Make-Sense state. It’s sort of the geek equivalent of taking shrooms and throwing paint on a canvas (except I consume large quantities of M&Ms and spew my frustrations…is it really that different?). Unlike those admirable Olympiads (is that even a word?…see, now is what I’m talkin’ about…) I seem to go for the bronze (if that) when it comes to writing clear, grammatical sense-making blogs.

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The other truth: I’m a recovering English major. I went to college and had a lot of snooty TA’s who wore black scarves (they weren’t all snooty) and put a lot of red marks on my papers, and talked about their pretentious poetry books that made no sense at all to me, and told me that I am judgemental of the characters in the giant brick of an English novel about some prissy housemaid who wants to get it on with her master (get it on already!)!!!!

You see, out here in web-land, no one can mark up my blog (at least not in front of me). But I’ve heard something about how adulthood has something to do with not acting out….so maybe it’s time to let up on the creative grammar.

Just for today, I can check for typos.