Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Falling in Love

I’m falling in love. I’m also having an existential crisis about my survival on the planet. AND I just started Netflix (am watching the fourth season of the “The Sopranos” as I type…experiencing belated sadness at Christopher’s heroin addiction). Because it’s hard for me to know what my truth is, let alone share it with anyone (especially the whole entire world) I have been encouraged to write my true feelings by my boyfriend. A slipped disc can produce different symptoms like varying degrees of pain in the back or neck pain or sciatica (pain, weakness, or tingling that extends down the leg), Bulging or herniated disc or degenerative disc disease Worn spinal joints (posterior facet syndrome) Injured or diseased purchase levitra no prescription spinal nerve roots The chiropractors at McKim Chiropractic specialize in spinal decompression therapy using the DRS Protocol , a non- surgical alternative. To clean your ITE properly, you will need a prescription from physician, whereas tadalafil cialis you could check here few online retailers are ready to help you with prescription, in scenario of its absence. levitra 40 mg Reason behind success of Sildenafil Citrate tablets is it start to give perform in half hour and can give you relief from any type of anxiety. It starts with sexual stimulation that can either be in tactile or canada tadalafil 10mg maybe emotional and mental type . Lucky for him, the truth is that I’m falling in love (with him).

While it’s scary, I’m not even going to begin with the “what ifs…” cuz they always ends with “…and then I’ll be left all alone to forage for food without enough money to dye my graying hair.” Because I’m too tired to start in on that fear spiral, I’m going to bank on the positive feeling I have about being able to call someone my soul mate. I’ll leave the question of how we’re going to pay for the SAT tutors for our kids for a later date (probably tomorrow).

Just for today, I’m grateful to be falling in love.