Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Survival Guilt: Why Wasn’t I Affected By the Tsunami?

It’s really hard for me to worry about my petty little obsessions (must only nurture friendships with people who have Verizon Wireless…others can only talk to me on nights and weekends), when I’m reading about the 50,000 children who died in the tusanmis. Not to mention that my president needed Developmental factors are generic viagra 25mg found to be behind autism affecting some or all functional systems of the brain. A sign of a site to be leery of is absence of accreditation, non-secure credit card processing, and on line cialis proposing to fill medicine orders without prescriptions. In fact, history of ginseng dates back getting viagra in australia to thousand of years. As the attack of impotency starts making human penile tissues weaker and ineffective by restricting the desired viagra sale without prescription blood stream. three days of silent meditation before he could come up with the idea of (wow) giving aid! Australia, however, quelled the yapping about donations by really doling out the big bucks.

Just for today, I am grateful (and guilty) to be safe and living with my loved ones.