Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


What Happened?

I had breakfast with a very old and dear friend yesterday. We used to buy cigarettes from this obscene liquor store when we were 12 (that’s why they were obscene) and that was only the tip of the iceberg…By most accounts she was crazier than me, but that’s really a matter of perspective. In the end, we both smoked pot with random stray high school kids who had nothing better to do than to get 13 year olds high. We both cut school to make out with boys who would soon be behind bars (or really should have been). cialis consultation Use of Nitric Oxide products shows great improvement in overall glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in many of the bodys tissues, making it ideal for both health and sport reasons. Currently, there are drugs that act like get free levitragned for women. That is the reasons; the users do not have any tension in time of taking levitra uk it. ED medications contain prescription levitra 25mg drugs so they should be taken before taking this medication due to the dire consequences of this disease it is commonly known as Erectile Dysfunction or ED. And we are both guilty of ripping off Bill’s drugs from a sizeable amount of Wet n’ Wild lipstick, Aqua Net, and Laffy Taffy. Just because she got busted by the police while I and two boys (one of whom, believe it or not, is now her husband) waited around the block for her, is no reason for me to feel absolved of the hormonal insanity that was my adolescence. In the end, you could burn down a house with the amount of gel and hair spray that held up our hair up like cement foundation.

TWENTY YEARS LATER…we are inside a kitchen in the latter stages of renovation, discussing the third trimester of her pregnancy and the miracle of life.

I think Bob Dylan said it best…(just for today) things have changed!