Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Bad News vs.Good News (Just Too Damn Much to Say)

BAD NEWS = Verizon Wireless Bill

Sure, everyone is entitled to “make mistakes,” but is there any compensation for the heart attack I almost had when I checked on my upcoming verizon wireless bill (via the heartless voice automated system)?!! We cleared it up and got it down to a measley $136, but I just don’t think “whoops…the system didn’t calculate your bill correctly,” really cuts it…My breathing just got back to normal a few minutes ago.

GOOD NEWS = Good Skin

I had lunch with my friend Al yesterday and he commented on how good my skin has been looking. I responded with, “Oh, yeah, it’s a new skin remedy called Not Working.” As it turns out, despite the financial stress, waking up at odd hours, going to yoga for two hours a day, and staying away from neon lighting is a great remedy for dry, puffy, acne ridden skin (do all these go together? On me, they do).

BAD NEWS = Mysoginy in Improv Comedy

I watched an improv show last night in which a young improviser was cast as a “slut,” a mute wife, and the woman banged by a prison security guard in the same show. I think Larry Moss said it best when he said that, “It is harder for women (in acting), but the better they are, the better the men are.” As a burgeoning improviser, I am working on ways of refusing to cave in to the endemic mysoginy in the improv community. So cialis price before you order from a sketchy website. The best thing about this medicine is that it gives levitra properien to a person. In such cases doctors play an important role. cialis online mastercard However, it doesn’t mean that alpha blockers can reverse BPH, it actually cannot. cialis rx Unfortunately, the representation of female characters in humiliating life circumstances emits laughter from most audiences. Who’s to fault? The actors or the audience?

GOOD NEWS = Good Therapist Relationship

Things are going well with my therapist. I’m not annoyed at her for talking so much…(just for today).

Just for today, there is good news and bad news.