Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist

Body Stuff

Self-Imposed Bluritis

I have bluritis again (i.e., a condition or state of the eyes and brain caused by continuous exposure to a computer screen). This time I can’t blame my job. It’s really just me and my “choice” to live on my computer. Men seek different approaches to stop premature ejaculation, daily two times with plain water or milk for 90 to 120 days consistently to increase sexual energy, strength, sex power and stamina to last longer in bed. viagra pill uk Pallor, sweating, and rapid from uk viagra (or “racing”) heart beat. Growth hormone-secreting tumors These tumors cause generic levitra excessive secretion of growth hormone and cause symptoms related to acromegaly. Side effects of Tadalafil are mostly minimal, and reports of experiencing side effects have been tadalafil 20mg generika uncommon. I’m going to take a day off from any work involving a computer…except for right now, that is.

And now.

I may be going through withdrawl.

Just for today, I can take care of my bluritis.