Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Airplane Skin

I arrived back in LA yesterday after spending four days in the Berkshires of Massachussetts where I did manage to recover from my traumatic layover long enough to have a a really nice vacation. I arrived at noon and went straight to work like a proper martyr. However, I kept thinking, “something doesn’t feel right.” Deoderant? Check. Heaven by The Gap? Check. Bra? Check. It felt like everything was in place, but for some reason I just felt really, really… gross. Some enable you to finish a driver’s education course while fifteen, but should wait till you’re sixteen years getting on to get a license. cheap cialis In this part of the industry there are no requirements, just that you fit what the client is looking for. viagra pills without prescription How to Buy Kamagra If you want a method that would help you keep generic levitra pill away from prostatitis. Sildenafil is an amazing remedy for patients for erectile dysfunction and cialis 20 mg pulmonary arterial hypertension. And that’s when I realized that I was wearing the un-holy stale film of Airplane Skin.

I had thought that the bath the night before would suffice me throughout following the day, but alas I had forgotten the realities of being thousands of feet above the ground for 6 hours in a tiny space occupied by about 150 bodies breathing the same stale recycled oxygen. The post-flight film that sets over me after flying feels unlike any other kind of dirtiness that I’ve ever experienced – as if my pores have imploded beneath a thin layer of wax. I can’t quite explain it, but those of you who fly might agree that it’s pretty nasty.

I think I felt fresher after spending a week backpacking with my father (against my will…as if I need to qualify) in the Sierras where we polluted mother nature’s purity by using her as an outdoor latrine. I felt fresher after spending late nights in the cigar, stale beer-infested fraternity houses that I inhabited on weekends when I was 18 (embarrassing? Yes, more on that later…). For nothing, nothing feels grosser than airplane skin (have I made my point clear?…I know there are more important things to write about…but this was fun!).

Just for today, I can bathe after I fly.

2 thoughts on “Airplane Skin

  • Hmmm, Just got back from the east coast. We arrived a whole half hour early. Unfortunately the gate we were suppossed to deplane at had a problem with the caterer so we sat on the runway for an hour and a half until the plane there could get its food. I suppose the caterer forgot the food for the first class passengers as I haven’t seen a meal for the common folk in many a year. I got a headache, leg aches and a whole lot more. Flying is not fun!

  • Sounds almost as fun as my seven hour layover…I’m always open to stories of airplane misery!

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