Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist



I haven’t been able to blog because I spend my evenings recovering from an intense web design stupor where I see bleary-eyed visions of sloppy code dancing among broken links…it’s quite a party here in the world of the working. Work?! Apparently, there are droves of people who wake up every week day morning and drive (or take public transportation, or even–Oh, my God!– car pool) to a place where they do some kind of task or piece of labor and, in return, they get to have a currency placed in their bank accounts that they exchange for services rendered. I’ve been working for many years, but only recently have I really begun to understand the beauty of Earning. Either I’ve finally reached maturity, or the fantasy that the great White Father in the Sky will shower down coins on me in the form of some wild inheritance from some rich person who wants to be my relative has breathed her (her?!) or his last breath. They contain canadian pharmacy viagra the exact same active ingredient, i.e. There are various reasons for men getting ED but there is one medicine for cialis cost low check it out this problem. If you masturbate multiple times in a row, cialis australia mastercard three times a day to start. This viagra generika intimating drug makes your partner shout. All I’m going to say is that it’s really cutting into my Sitting Around Feeling Depressed time.

Must. Get. Sleep.

Just for today, I am an earner.