Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist



Being the karaoke whore that I am, I stayed out late last night waiting with baited breath for the MC to call my name so myself and my friend Tom could sing a truly lame rendition of “Suddenly Seymour.” We spent the whole song trying to catch up with the changing color of the words on the screen. We were far better when we first sang it and, at that time, I literally didn’t even know the song. In an ideal world, they would have a warm-up room where the slightly less drunk karaoke-ers could go and hum a few bars and get reacquainted with the tune. Traditional might be a finer word to depict current Western drug, frequently called allopathic buy viagra cialis solution. If you face any of above sexual dysfunction, which is affecting your sexual life and you viagra prescription are not alone in your search for products that can add the zeal back to your sex life. What is infertility? It refers to the biological inability to conceive, after one year of regular sexual intercourse without using any birth control methods. soft viagra Many people suffer from hidden chemical intolerance best online viagra that can worsen the impairment of detoxification and disturbances of immune function. One thing I’ve learned, there’s more to a song than the chorus. But such is the mystery of karaoke…where one fears to tread that is the song one must sing…

Just for today, it’s OK that I don’t sing perfectly.