Back In the Ole of U.S.A.
I spent the New Year in Mexico recovering from the worst flu of my life and desperately trying to breathe in the relaxed vibe that is Mexico. Mexican culture is so chill. Everyone from the taxi driver to the guy cleaning the floor outside our condo seems to have more peace than the average American. Coming back to the United States from Mexico is like pressing the fast forward button. When you choose the best online pharmacy for all of your tests viagra for sale are normal. With achat viagra pfizer so many expensive duplicate drugs entering the market, cheap Erectile Dysfunction drugs can actually work wonders if taken under proper medical guidance. The results were monitored by the doctor’s observation, patient’s subjective description regarding symptoms, along with thermographic scans. levitra 10 mg Powerful herbs in this herbal pill promote generation of levitra discounts energy by absorbing essential nutrients and vitamins. No sooner did I arrive back into Los Angeles 2006, than I received tickets to a self-help weekend seminar (cult #429). It has something to do with how to attain wealth and power. The tickets have a picture of an eyeball mirroring money next to a guy walking on dollar bills. The website also mentions something about meaningful relationships (I guess they thought they’d throw that in)…I was thinking about not going, but then I thought of the material I’d be misssing…
Just for today, I appreciate American culture.