Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Decluttering: A Look At All My Crap

It started out as a rudimentary cleaning out of 2005 receipts and bills, and became a full-on decluttering frenzy, the kind you have to run with when the spirit moves you because it only happens once every few years. Sure, my apartment looks organized and spotless on the outside, but all you have to do open up a drawar to see the last 33 years of my life explode onto in all of it’s 80’s, 90’s, and 00′ splendor. Despite my wanting to believe that I am above the obsessiveness of the average American consumer, my decluttering session has taught me that I am indeed a magnet for useless crap and other odds and ends that I have either purchased or that was given to me by some of my many relatives and friends (who, no doubt, love me and whose generosity is not to blame for the way I store my belongings).

To my own surprise and chagrin, I own the following:

1) A giant case of eyeshadow (when and how I came to obtain this, I couldn’t tell you…but all I can say is that I there was no need to purchase eye shadow back in November).
2) Enough emory boards to supply the Vietnamese owned nail salon down the street for a month (I dated a lawyer who tried a case for an emory board manufacturing company. There are numerous healing cipla cialis mineral spas in the Europe, where by individuals with long-term pancreatic diseases, and in addition lots of other sufferers from liver, kidney, gastro intestinal and metabolic problems, commit healthier vacation applying drinking therapeutic mineral h2o, eating habits, massage, acupuncture and so forth. These cost cialis viagra days, males are reading more about erectile dysfunction. Patients with Erectile viagra 25 mg Dysfunction who are dependent on these medicines in order to run their love-life happily. Erectile dysfunction and impotence are two different names which generic cheap viagra mean the same. The relationship didn’t last, but my supply of nail filers did…it was four years ago!)
3) About five cute little cloth bags for jewelry and four little boxes filled with earrings (what can I say? I am loved by people who like to buy me earrings that may or may not match my tastes…What are my options? Re-gift? Or hope my tastes change? I think I’m headed towards a garage sale…)
4) Five packets of incense (these were all given to me as gifts…is this a hint? Does my apartment smelll?).
5) One scary jewelry box that I’m afraid to open because it’s the land of lost earrings from high school till college (I vow to someday take everything in there and create an art project dedicated to the beauty of the lost pair of an earring…I suppose it’s some kind of metaphor about singlehood, but I’ll wait till it’s finished to figure it out).
6) About 4,345 books of matches (I don’t smoke, so how I collect books of matches is a true mystery…)
7) 40 extra Christmas lights.
8) Five chapsticks or lipsticks.
9) Five hair clips, three head bands, and two 1950’s style hair rollers that belonged to my grandmother.
10) Five samples of hair gels and shampoos that I picked up and never actually sampled (is this fun or what?).
11) Three sets of forks and napkin that came with take-out (I saved them for lunch, but unfortunately in the wrong drawar).
12) A miniature bottle of tabasco sauce and Fanta drink that once were attached to magnets.
13) Two pairs of Sally Jessie Raphael style glasses from high school (WHAT was I thinking?!)
14) And lots and lots of little paper clips, nails, and pins!

Boy, I’m really glad that’s out of my system. Is it really 2006?

Just for today, I can declutter.