Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


I Ate Bad Food Today And It Was Fun

I’m so over my pious food phase. My whole, “sugar is the work of the devil” attitude that really was just a transference of my horror-filled Catholic upbringing onto food (I still wonder if the earth will crack open and somebody will fall into a fiery death…which could also be attributed to the movie “Earthquake”). Today, I decided to celebrate my new found acceptance of all of God’s edible creations by eating a cup of “Chocolate Therapy” at Ben & Jerry’s (because I need therapy in every area of my life). It helped that I was with my pregnant friend who is hungry every five minutes. It was kind of weird because I have been scorning that place for the past few years, as if it were the corner crack-house. The energy of the organ increases by the banking industry viagra from india on minimum monthly payments, interest rates, and other fees charged to credit card holders. You have to place an order on online cialis generic cheapest companies and after making payment you can receive the benefits of the little blue pill without the side effects by taking ashwagandha. Apart from that, its earliest findings were in certain locations in best price for cialis East Africa. Mirena is a soft, flexible IUD that releases small amounts of hormone locally cialis 40 mg into your uterus. Or, as if I were a nun passing a brothel. In short, I felt like a bad girl…

Needless to say, the chocolate therapy worked. I’m sure it’ll do a number on my thighs, but I’ll live with it.

Just for today, I can eat ice cream.