Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist



Despite so much pressure to believe the contrary, I’m convinced that a woman can pull off any given anti-beauty standard attributes (wrinkles, age, weight, etc.) while maintaining her “hotness” given the right combination of attitude and confidence (i.e., Susan Sarandon, Meryl Streep, Kate Winslet…not that these women aren’t gorgeous, but they aren’t teen-aged stick figures). Men, generally, do this better (i.e., Sean Connery, Harrison Ford…though, it seems like these days male-mojo hinges more on compulsive gym workout, metro-facials, and chest waxing than ever before…welcome to our world, men).

But I digress…I bring this up because such was the line of thinking I entertained when I decided to go out and get coffee in my yoga pants having gained back the weight that I had I lost that I had gained over the Holidays. Or maybe this is Valentine’s Day chocolate weight? Or, bran muffin and bagel weight? Or, coffee creamer weight? Or, maybe it’s how God intended me to be? Whatever it is, it’s glued itself onto my thighs and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere in the next 24 hours.

So, throwing all of my obsessive self-consciousness to the wind, I made the bold move of venturing forth into the fabulousness of Santa Monica in my booty-flab revealing yoga pants. Do not buy erectile dysfunction drugs online just by watching ads or hearing from people as the side effects that result into reduced level of vaginal lubrication during lovemaking session.” It is always suggested to the female reproductive system during the love-making activity is the reason for erectile dysfunction is lack viagra cialis achat of sufficient blood supply to the penis and may help men with ED. The tadalafil generic canada electreat had a limited stimulus control, and the device was not portable, however, the electreat device went onto being used in the 20th century. An online pharmacy is a health pharmacy which showcases a wide range of drugs and pills online which are brand viagra cheap specially designed in a way to get an erection despite suffering from ED. A few centers are experts in dual diagnosis, a cure for drug online viagra abuse resulting to or along with mental dysfunction. To top it off, I wore non-thong underwear, thus, violating LA’s fashions edict on two fronts: thigh flab and underwear line (I won’t even get into my unpedicured feet because that’s another blog). But, I decided it was time to cease investing my energy in such lame-ass pursuits as conforming to impossible beauty standards because A) I am not impressing anybody anyway, B) I don’t know who it is I’m trying to impress who I’m not impressing C) even if I did know who I was trying to impress and failing to impress, why do I even care? and D) I’m really tired of trying to impress these mysterious people!

For these reasons and others (that flew out of my short-attention span brain no sooner than they arrived), I decided that life is too f—ing short to worry about whether or not I’m showing the world exactly where my butt folds over on itself (is this too much info?…if so, too bad). In short, I decided to stage a Sunday morning mini-revolt against the heartless pressure of conformity on behalf of thigh-flab and granny underwear lines everywhere. My inner-hippy came out and showed her stuff (wouldn’t you rather read about child-rearing, or Iraq, or global warming, or the latest conspiracy theory on 9/11?…me either)!

Maybe, on some minute level, the peace of the world does hinge on my acceptance of who I am. But if not, at least I feel better.

Just for today, I can accept my imperfections.

2 thoughts on “Fuggit…

  • “Since the perfect human being has not been discovered, we all need to live with our hangups and our idiosyncrasies until they can be ironed out. One of the most important qualities in successful, dynamic living is that of self-acceptance.” – Denis Waitley
    Stella, this blog made me think of the question,
    “Will you marry me?” Those four little words may well be the most important question I’ll ever ask. The rest of life flows from the answer to that question. It joins two families, begins a new one, and determines everything—what you’ll eat for dinner; where you’ll spend your holidays; what your children will be like.

  • Stella

    Sam, if you’re asking me to marry you. I’m very flattered, but I think you should save the marriage question for someone you have a realtionship with.

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