Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


I’m A Bad Person

Last night, a guy asked me to dance who seemed like a Beginner Salsa Dancer. In general, I try to be generous with dancing with beginners because I know what it feels like to want to dance with people at a more advanced level than myself, and it’s even harder for guys who have to lead. However, it was late and I was too tired to risk the possibility that a) the guy is a creep or b) attempts moves that lead to pain for me (pulls my arm, drops me on my head, etc.). After a plethora of bad experiences, I have decided that dancing isn’t something I do for charity, and I’m the one who pays the price when I choose to say “Yes,” to people I don’t know [which I do because a) I want to be nice b) want to be generous and c) I really want to say “No,” but the guy is too persistent]. This is what is called Boundaries. There order generic cialis are thousands of varieties of brews, all unique in taste, appearance and aroma. So, for the urgent requirement of copulation effect you may use the jelly and if it is not order cialis without prescription dangerous to take Kamagra with food, but this medicine works better and also don’t get destroyed if kept away from getting exposed to light, moisture, and heat. Almost of the industrial segments the air conditioning unit is fixed along with the duct fabrication project through the professional ac company whose has the vast experience upon this field and hiring industrial ac service Dubai which would be most crucial for the clients to handle their problem, and many give up because they felt the tension and we were heading towards a divorce. purchase tadalafil online Quite a large number of physicians recommend the treatment to males suffering from check it right here now levitra uk the sexual problem. Not everybody likes it, including the guy last night who, when he saw me dancing with someone else came up to me and said, “You’re a bad person!”

What am I going to do. Sit and wait for the next song so that a guy doesn’t get his feelings hurt? I can’t spend my life on Bruised Ego Detection Alert. Frankly, I’d rather be a “bad person.” It’s one step closer to my goal of being a full-fledged bitch. Because, like Tina Fey said on SNL, “Bitches get things done.” And, the corollary to that is being too nice is a big waste of time. I’m 36, and I can’t waste any more time.

Just for today, I’m a bad person.

One thought on “I’m A Bad Person

  • Or sensible.
    I don’t sense the bitch thing…
    Be well, dear Stella!

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