Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Didn’t Mean To Get All Dramatic On You

I didn’t mean to offend anybody with the state of my life, the world, and the chilly vibe of Corporate America. I mean just because I don’t value the freedom Capitalism offers me to buy $4.00 earrings from Forever 21, and gas for the same price, doesn’t mean that it’s all bad. And just because The Man’s main priorities is to make dollars and not warm fuzzies doesn’t mean that he has no soul or moral compass. No, he has a soul, it’s just drunk from expensive vodka that comes in a bottle shaped like cologne, and his brain is fried from his bluetooth ear piece and too many free bagels.

Or maybe I just like to whine…?

Ok, so if I’m going to look at My Part, I may as well admit that responsibility + deadline is not a cocktail that sits well with me, which is odd for someone who spent a whole night in the yearbook office in order to publish that Bible of 90’s angst. After the pellets are inserted in the urethra for successful erections. online viagra And that is how these conditions are the source of the pain, the following back surgeries are the most common ones considered: Microdiscectomy – when a portion of the herniated disc that is pressing on the cialis 10 mg nerve is removed Spinal fusion – when the disc space in between two vertebrae is fused into one solid long bone. Men, bearing with this concern are not online viagra store capable to control the ejaculation through the sexual activity. Erectile dysfunction has always been a disgusting phenomenon in male sexual health that can easily correct with this pill. levitra sale

Big, giant sigh.

Anyway, I guess there’s a reason why I don’t have kids or even a pet gerbil. I mean give me a couple websites to manage for a few days and I act like every decision I make is inches away from creating a nuclear reaction. What if I actually had real power? Or, real kids to screw up?

I wonder what a good gold fish goes for these days…

Just for today, I can reflect on my dramatic nature.