Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Car Drama

My emergency brake (sp?) needs to be tightened. Last week, my car rolled across the street and onto the sidewalk on the other side of the street without any discernible damage. But not after I chased it through oncoming traffic along like the crazy lady that I’m becoming, along with two nice Latino men who just kept shouting “Let it go!” It was traumatizing, to say the least. Men can continue these capsules for long duration, and incapable of performing successfully at cheap brand viagra the time of coitus. Allergies, cold and sinus trouble buy viagra online can lead to Otitis media effusion problem. Its color is brown or black, and has hard Full Article levitra samples texture. This lets you fit the class into your busy schedule since you buying viagra in australia can take the class on their schedule.

Today, I parked my car and went to make an appointment at a massage place (clearly, I need some form of relaxation). A few moments later, I had a PTSD moment where I wondered if I was going to walk back to find my car a) in a dumpster b) crashed into another car or c) right where I left it.

While I know that getting my emergency brake fixed would solve a lot of this anxiety, I must be getting something out of it…

Just for today, I can analyze my car drama.