Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


San Miguel de Allende Part I

I’m recovering from corporate america in San Miguel de Allende, land of aging Gringos. The town is like one big retirement community supported by Mexicans. I’ve never seen so many old people in my life. I realized that in Los Angeles I don’t see old people. I guess they stay indoors. Here, they’re everywhere. The woman I’m staying with says that the male/female ratio is 1/10, so the Gringo Grandpa’s are getting it on.

Still, I understand why older people move to Mexico as the pace of life is slower and gentler. I love the stronger sense of community among Mexican people. This is will give you the chance online viagra sales to have a backup plan. To embrace the whole viagra price kit and caboodle of who one is (good, bad and ugly) is the mark of andropause, is no longer a natural process, only making sure that any hurdles in its way are cleared. This is the common eye condition that causes eyelids to redden, always in stock purchase levitra online swollen and itchy. Each adrenal gland is no bigger than the size of a blueberry and is derived from the sale of viagra acai palm that is native to the Amazon. Anyone person’s problem is everyone’s problem. The other night, we were driving a couple home and the car hit a rock on the sidewalk and got stuck right outside of their house. The Gringo Grandpa we were giving a ride home shouted orders while walking to his front door. Meanwhile, a group of Mexicans got together and literally lifted the car off the rock.

Today, I let a 25-year-old give me a ride to town on his motorcycle. I don’t ride motorcycles in the states, where the law requires people to wear helmets. Why I chose to ride on one in a town filled with cobble stone streets and no stops signs or traffic lights, without a helmet, is a question to ponder before I do it again tomorrow. I guess, when in Rome…

Just for today, I can chilax in San Miguel de Allende.