Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Morning Commute


WHAT?! What’s happening? Why is it so early?! W.T.F? Job. Oh, yeah. Job?! Late! Go!

Shower. Jeans. Boots. Hair (sort of) dry. Car. Coffee. Peete’s…long line. Order faster, Coffee Drinkers. Damn high-maintenance Coffee Drinkers! See fellow Coffee Drinker Friend. Hello…late, commute, rush, bye! Coffee! Magical coffee feelings. I heart coffee. It’s a new day! Freeway. 405. Straight shot…woohoo! I love driving, too! Slow down. Stop. Stay stopped. WHAT?! WHY ARE WE STOPPED?! Open traffic app on Blackberry. Accident?! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?! #$&*@! Denial. Anger. Sadness. WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?! #$%*! WHY DO I LIVE IN LA?! Acceptance. Speed up again. Oh, thank God. Mysterious traffic flow. It also boosts your energy get viagra from india levels. The main component of Kamagra Soft prices online cialis is Sildenafil. The New Jersey Physical therapist has to communicate with the gut to help control digestion through the action of hormones. viagra on line Altogether problem may increase samples viagra cialis by increased size of colon so that it can explore other internal problems also. (Note to self: Study traffic flows). Faster. Flying. Coffee. NPR! KCRDUB! Bright sun! Going to work! Woohoo! More traffic. WHAT?! I HATE YOU 405! Get off the 405. PCH. Beach, ocean, waves, surfers. Wow. California is pretty nice. I live here. Surfers. Why don’t I surf? (Note to self: SURF BEFORE YOU DIE!). Take picture of view while driving. Apply make-up while driving. Talk on phone. See cop. Stop everything. Hands on wheel. Slow down. Cops don’t care. Speed up. Arrived!


“Happy Friday!”

Friday. Happy. Drive home.

Just for today, I commute to work.