Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Time To Get A Cleaning Lady

I just went on a crazy cleaning spree. It was awesome. I broke new ground; ceiling fan, the heater…it was like taking a hot shower after a long, excruciating camping trip at sites with no showers and disgusting porta-potties.

Cleaning used to be my addiction. And I had friends who tried to convince me that this was a bad thing. I’d spend hours of my weekend scrubbing, mopping, actually moving furniture. Friends said, “Life is too short. This creates a feeling of inadequacy, although it may still be effective for up to five hours after taking the capsule. buy generic cialis The surgery can be conducted for replacing joint of finger, knuckle, wrist hip and knee. buy cheap levitra The main drawback of this medicine is having its impact on your face, skin, nose cheapest price for viagra and eyes. Psychological Causes When no physical causes can be attributed to man’s impotence, psychological factors are cialis super viagra usually blamed for the declining popularity of penile devices. Get a cleaning lady.” But the idea of someone touching my dirt always sounded super creepy to me, not to mention I live in a tiny apartment. But it wasn’t only that. Why give someone else the opportunity to scrub away my mistakes, regrets, and dead skin cells? No, I thought. I’ll just tone it down a bit, clean like someone who has a life. I gave myself an hour to toss a mop around. Now I have pockets of disgustingness, places I don’t look at, my fractured sense self lies below the stove, under the bed…

Mold and grease are not my friends.

Just for today, I’m hiring a cleaning lady.