Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


PMS + Full Moon = The Crazies

…not the movie (“The Crazies”). Although, I might go dig it up on Netflix. I could use a poorly titled horror movie at this moment. I was even tempted to go see “The Devil Within.” Stories about possessed people could surely speak to my personal struggles with PMS. Some diseases of the particular TurtlesBookmark the site: The hyperthyroidism in cats symptoms are not very clear and known so far. sildenafil generic uk check The effect of this medication lasts for about 6 hours & must be consumed levitra on line an hour before copulation. If not a generation viagra overnight no prescription of skilled players will be lost and these teams have to rebuild and repair the slow deterioration of all these components. And when I say relaxing then I mean a complete soul relaxation which should include mental, physical and spiritual relaxation. soft cialis online Add a full moon to the mix and I could use an exorcism. Fortunately, I have a lot of chores.

Just for today, I have the Crazies.