Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist

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Coping Mechanisms: May Was Cra-zay

View from the house in New Mexico.
I don’t think any axe murderers would live nearby, but I still got scared.

MAY WAS CRAY-CRAY. *wild eyed expression*

What did I do in the month of May?  I finished up at my old job, went to New Mexico where I stayed in my parents’ house in the “country” (aka, middle of nowhere), hiked and ate good food in Santa Fe with my boyfriend who *sniff* had to leave me to go “work” and, thus, I was left to stay by myself and write.  Then what happened is that I realized that being alone in a house a mile from the neighbors and MANY miles from police or hospitals feels a little scary.  (I now understand why some people might want a hand gun).  So I went a night with a friend who lived closer to civilization.
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Then I said Good-bye to New Mexico, went to the airport, got a job offer while waiting for my plane, quit that job 8 days later (after being told to “Stop talking!” during a conference call), went to New York to visit sister, went to BF’s friend’s wedding in upstate NY, all while I attempted to finish a screenplay to send to the Meryl Streep funded Women In Film Lab, (I was supposedly working on it in New Mexico), and despite feeling very snowball-in-hell-ish about it, I sent it off during one hot, muggy rainy night in my sister’s Brooklyn apartment.  Then we got Thai food and I went home.  End of May.

Then came June I got another job and now I’m back to working full-time.

What I’m attempting to convey with these very personal details is that “keeping busy” can help one cope with loss.