Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist

Black Lives Matters

The Revolution Is Here #BlackLivesMatter

It has been a long two weeks. It has also been a long 400 years.

Not to make this about my half-white snowflake sensitivity, but it bears mention that I spent last Sunday night listening to the sounds of helicopters while I tracked the looting of local liquor stores and CVS. I felt bad for my hair stylist (whose salon was looted) and the local liquor store where I get laundry quarters and price gauged dish washing fluid. I have no sympathy for high end retailers like REI and Patagonia, where a parka could buy groceries for a family for a month. I would have just given stuff out the door, as if it were rich person Halloween, and save the cost of a broken window.

Property theft is how we got here. People taking things. And by people, I mean White People.

Speaking of my snowflake half-whiteness, I have seen far too many white people cry in the last week. And not PMS crying (which is always legit), but like, “this is so hard.” Realizing that oppression lives on is not that hard. Oppression, though, is brutality.

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Yesterday, June 6, I attended the protest in Culver City organized by High School Students in the once “whites only” city. I did not see a single police officer and thousands of people showed up. Students spoke out at the City Hall and, as I listened to them, small chunks my deep cynicism started to crumble off me.

Tonight I watched video and images of people from all over the world supporting the US protests against racism and I felt this weird tingly lightness…hope. I am not alone.

I also walked into a restaurant today and ordered food and ate it with a friend. I even “browsed” a retail store. I hate how happy this made me. But minutes of “normality” or what we think of as normal, and hope and lightness feel important right now.

Who knows what next week will bring?