Talking to the Desert
While I waited for full vaccination I took a quick trip to Joshua Tree to talk to the desert and find answers to questions like, “Who will I be in the new world?” “Are we all weird now?” and “Do I have an allergy to shell fish?” The answer to the first question will take time but the last two are “yes” and “yes.”

Like everyone, I spent the past year was a forced retreat that resulted in me learning how to just be. The rock formations in Joshua Tree took have sat still for longer. Like a couple million years longer. They know what it’s like to sit and do nothing. And they don’t mind.

Face Rock guy told me to eat less sodium. Like he could see my waist line expansion. I was like, “Who are you? My mother?”

This sleeping giant told me to take more naps. He’s like, “Why are you rushing around all the time?” Good point.

While almost fully vaccinated I don’t feel like returning to the life I knew. I don’t need to run around in search for gratification or validation of my worth. Like the rocks I can sit with the changing weather.