Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Code Language

The good thing about having experienced different relationships, in a variety of different manners, is that I’ve learned a thing or two about code language based on oft repeated phrases that I have heard or have said myself. The following might serve as a dictionary/guide based on one woman’s experience.

“I’m still hurt from my last relationship.” = “Open to non-commital sex.”

“I really want to be your friend.” = “Come join my harem!”

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“So, if you don’t want to be friends, was our relationship just sex to you?” = “Are you saying that my harem isn’t good enough for you?”

“I need someone who can accept me for who I am.” = “You’re WAY too much work.”

“I think you have issues with sex and intimacy.” = “It’s my way or the high way.”

Just for today, I can be of service by interpreting relationship code.