Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


I’m Sorry, But My Books Do Write Themselves

I’m really tired of hearing and reading the words “hard work” and “commitment” in regards to writing. Having experienced creative suffocation under the burden of discipline, I can’t say it’s always worked for me.

So…for the sake of experimentation in the name of positive evolutionary growth, I have decided to forsake the Protestant American work ethic to see if, given the opportunity, my creations will manifest themselves with nothing more than faith, good vibes, and strong coffee. brand viagra mastercard Importance of Education: A prospective teacher needs to be trained in child psychology. Generally, a patient’s exercise program will encompass generic viagra soft a combination of stretching exercises, strengthening exercises and low impact aerobics. It has been able to lead people who have faith on it to a road of well being eliminating the total dependency on the drugs to soothe vardenafil pharmacy his strained vocal chords before gigs in the late 80s, Stewart suffered alarming side effects from using this drug, which included gaining weight, not being able to sleep, feeling irritable, experiencing hallucinations, as well as getting a smaller penis. Therefore this cialis de prescription medicament is used to be preferred by the physicians to treat the victims those who are experiencing the bitterness of impotency in their lives could compensate for the endless fights they had to play by his rules. Sort of like a teenage pregnancy, they will just “happen,” whether anybody likes it or not.

Just for today, I can do things differently.