June Standup Comedy Class & Workshop!
I am teaching an in-person standup comedy on Thursdays in June in Culver City. You say you don’t live in LA? You can’t leave the house? No problemo! I will also teach a one day zoom workshop on Saturday June 11th. Depending on demand, I may offer these regularly on Saturdays.
But why should I take a standup comedy class? You really don’t have to. Nobody HAS TO perform standup comedy. Or go to a show, for that matter. However, I have found that people like to express themselves, laugh, make other people laugh and forget about the Titanic state of the world. Then there are those oddballs like me, who dedicate themselves to crafting and delivering jokes. It’s not curing cancer (as far as we know). It’s not saving lives (as far as we know). But I do think that self-expression and laughter is deeply gratifying, healing and…it’s fun!
The most important part of this flyer is where Maria Bamford calls me “The real deal!” Not sure what it even means, but it sounds legit! So, if you are interested in learning from me about joke crafting, writing, delivery, or how I choose my outfits for the stage (it’s a boot-centric style), please email me!