Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


I Ate It

…as in, I bit the dust. Or, I made love to the pavement. I was jogging towards the beach where I usually run in the late evening on nights when I don’t have anything to do.

I used to be scared of night time running due to the fact that beach is the perfect place to rob somebody because nobody could hear a person screaming. But at night, the only people I see are probably too high to run after me, let alone wrangle me. Heavy see my store on line levitra Meals Heavy meals never do any good when it comes to cure erectile dysfunction. Are you looking for prescription viagra uk without prescription or any other drugs with no prescription needed? cialis drugs are safe, effective and FDA-approved. Precautions : Don’t used this pill if you are also using a nitrate drug for chest pain or heavy feeling, pain spreading to the arm or shoulder, nausea, sweating, general ill feeling; irregular heartbeat; swelling in your hands, viagra online uk ankles, or feet; Shortness of breath; Vision changes Feeling bleary eyed, swooning. When a man’s brain gets levitra online canada presence of sexual arousal in them, which can hamper their sex lives.

Anyway, danger aside, I was heading out of my apartment and towards the beach when I looked out and noticed an exceptionally dark night. (Many moonlit nights are actually really bright and I can see my shadow). However, this night was dark, and I was thinking it looked kind of scary when the next thing to know I was flat on the pavement. Nobody saw me (except God), and after that I went on my merry way.

There’s really no other point to this story…

Just for today, I can fall down.