In the name of expanding my network and learning more about publishing, I asked two published writers, both women, if
Read MoreIn the name of expanding my network and learning more about publishing, I asked two published writers, both women, if
Read MoreA few days ago, I found out that a classmate from high school had died. He fell or jumped from
Read MoreI had a hard time making it out of bed this morning. Actually, I didn’t make it out of bed
Read MoreEach year of my life has a theme (I just don’t remember them all). 2006 was The Year of Yes,
Read MoreI had a birthday, and got depressed. No, not because I’m one year older and, therefore, closer to death. I
Read MoreThe other night, I happened to be talking to a Couple Friends (two people who form a joint friend) about
Read MoreI had a Margarita Melt Down, yesterday. Actually, the “melt down” came first, and then the margarita, and then another,
Read MoreIn past years, I haven’t given a moments thought to it. But for some reason, yesterday, the fake Hallmark hype
Read MoreFor starters, I watched season 5 of Weeds last night. If you haven’t seen it, there’s a riveting episode where
Read MoreIf anyone still reads this thing (my blog), you may have noticed that I haven’t been updating it much in
Read MoreI was starving when I came home after swimming tonight, and then I remembered reading about people in Haiti this
Read MoreI spent last Saturday with a friend in China Town, eating real Chinese food (aka, very cheap), and shopping for
Read MoreI really have to be careful who I talk to these days. According to some, every industry known to man
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