Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Butt Time

Clearly, in American culture, there is no limit to the amount of hours people can work in a day or a week (operating, as we do, in a society burdened by the harrowing guilt of the “American work ethic”). However, for those of us chained to our desks and requisite computers, I do feel there is a limit to the amount of time we can sit on our asses. Sure, I can stare at my computer until my eyeballs feel like they are going to peel out of my sockets, and I can type and move my mouse until my hands are paralyzed with carpal tunnel, but I draw the line at the amount of time my poor butt can stay in a chair! I’ve come to realize that I can’t sit longer than five hours a day (that’s added all together)!! You can take my soul, my eyesight, but please leave my butt intact. It impairs the blood flow to the penis which low priced cialis can happen at any age. Thus, sleep well to feel happy in morning and stay sexy at night. 5. cialis online price Your male viagra without prescription uk organ plays a vital role in improving fertility and spermatogenesis. Loss of desire- Desire is all browse these guys now cialis sale about the psychology of a person. (Perhaps, it’s the unsung reason why Americans have big asses).

Just for today, I can give my butt a break.