Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist

Mean Blogs

Apologies to Mr. Tom Hanks

I would like to make a public apology to Mr. Tom Hanks for saying that he has lost his mojo. I am no one to judge the degree of mojo any human being is carrying at any particular moment (like weight or gas prices, it is constantly in flux), and, more importantly, I don’t know how much mojo I’m working with myself at any given point in time in my “career”…

I mean let’s face the facts…I work in an office. I breathe stagnant air while I make love to my G5 and dream of overpriced Thai Iced tea and powdered donuts. Holistic medicine focuses within the viagra wholesale india root in the martial arts. The power of kamagra cialis india price jelly has reverse effects on all negative emotions. People with pernicious anemia may have gastric viagra no prescription polyps and get gastric cancer and gastric carcinoid tumors twice as often than the normal population. This makes him feel inferior canadian generic cialis about himself. I google my and my high school boyfriends’ name four times a day. I avoid office parties and eye contact like Bambi running from the hunters. I have dreamed of winning an Academy Award since I saw Sally Field say “You like me, you really like me,” because I admired her ability to publicly self-actualize. Not to diss on myself, I have done lots of great, brave, courageous things in my life and I am proud of who I am and my great potential…I’m just saying that it doesn’t take a lot of mojo, on an hourly basis, to check my e-mail, organize my Itunes, and update my Friendster profile…so who am I to talk?

And, Tom, if you’re still mad, I’m going to go see your movie tonight (Lady Killers) and deep in my heart I’m still kind of jonesing for Kip Wilson (even if you haven’t played him for twenty-some years.)

Just for today, I can lovingly make amends to Tom Hanks for commenting on his mojo.