Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


What I Learned Today

1) No matter how embarrassing and downright stupid my journaling from my teen years is, I am loathe to burn them because some day I might have a pressing need to find out what I thought I felt for (INSERT NAME) when I was 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17…. I don’t actually think I wrote a whole lot that was genuinely connected to my reality of that time, but it still might interest me (clutter no more?).

2) Basic Cable = Television Reception [Why don’t THEY (not publicizing my cable provider cuz I’m not an advertising whore) just come out and say it? You have to pay us to watch Judge Judy, the Rockford Files dubbed in Spanish, and local city council meetings (which is not to say that the above listings are NOT entertainment…)].

3) Coffee is not my enemy. Sugar is. If possible, try limiting your work and home/leisure time. buy cialis On the other hand, some companies are high priced and some of the registered company sells that similar medicine with a cheap rate. cialis 10mg generico HBP can be life threatening if left uncontrolled on line cialis or undetected. Have this medicine from a particular time of the day to maintain the evenness in its affective. purchase cheap cialis (Someone told me sugar ages the body and that was it for me. Because the fact that it’s void of nutrients and lowers the immune system weren’t good enough reasons to stop digging into the candy bins for Runts and Sweedish Fish like a drug addict.) That said, however, I feel a ton better without sugar than my body THAN I EVER DID WTIHOUT COFFEE! So, take to the Republican Congressional committee of award certifiers Dr. Hak (who’s still a nice guy/antibiotic drug dealer)!

4) Cable modem rocks!