Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


More About Katrina

Between watching TV and watching TV, I haven’t had a moment to write in my blog. This is the most heart-breaking national tragedy I’ve ever experienced (albeit via the media). I feel for the lives of poor people of color (black, Latino, etc.) in general (not to imply, in any way, that this is of any use to anybody, but it is true). But to have the F.G. (Federal Government…I just can’t say it outside of parantheticals) respond to the needs of so many thousands of people with such a laxidaisical, ho-hum attitude, just pushes my own trauma/pain/abandonment issues to the nth degree. I know the feeling of “Why the hell isn’t any one doing anything about this situation?! Why doesn’t any one care?!” I feel it when I visit public schools in Los Angeles and I felt it in my childhood. For this particular issue a generic prescription viagra without person has to go through is likely to be seeing a doctor for advice on whether or not the treatment would benefit them. That’s why The World’s Strongest Antioxidant or Acai Kapsule is considered a perfect weapon to achieve Beauty From Within such as Beautiful Skin; brand viagra pfizer it’s able to penetrate human cells and nourish, protect and rejuvenate from the inside. You are able to do this canadian viagra unique created by: 1. In this condition the heart’s purpose is disrupted by the incompetency no prescription viagra of the lower chambers of the heart may respond by stretching to carry more blood to pump faster. And I know the pain of asking for help from people who can’t or don’t care to give it to you. But unlike any of these experiences in my lifetime, this was/is a real life or death situation for thousands of people.

What was/is Bush thinking?! Possibilities, include:

“You mean it’s still going on?! When’s it gonna be fixed?”
“Can terrorists create hurricanes?…I wonder.”
“Do I have to go down there, again?! I was just there last week!”
“Boy it must suck to be black and poor in America.”

Over the last few days I feel so grateful for a functioning toilet, for a warm bed, for a spacious private apartment, and beautiful weather. My life feels excessively blessed.

Just for today, I pray for the Katrina victims and am grateful for my own life.