Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Sorry, Verizon Carriers Only

Attention, Friends! Due to cell phone minute constraints I will no longer be available for extended chat sessions between the hours of 8:00 am (I think) and 9:00 pm….UNLESS, you’re a Verizon carrier. All others, it’s not that I don’t like you, it’s just that I foolishly thought I could live on 900 minutes a month (ridiculous!). Please be patient, as I am planning to upgrade to the next level of minutes next month. However, if truth be told, the only plan it seems that would appropriately work for me would be one with an allotment of minutes that exceeds the actual number of minutes in any given month(more than 2,678,400). Thus, they would become highly anxious and generic viagra stressed when they are confronted by the sufferer, as well as by the parental figures. Except for viagra on line cells in stem cell niche, they will cooperate with immune ones regularly. If the root of creating the endometrial hyperplasia is removed, the disease will be cured totally and side effects viagra no more relapse. Knowing “why” purchase cialis online each goal is important to you accelerates its success. It seems that I have an allergy to the very idea of limitations (and caffeine), and am helpless in my attempts to lead a life without them.

Please bear with me. Thank you for your patience.

Just for today, I can accept my own limitations.