Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Single and Fabulous (!)

Yes, I’m quoting the Sex and the City (LOVE THAT SHOW!) episode that challenged and explored the myth of the lonely single woman. My single and fabulous friend at work who I’ll just call Roberta (don’t ask me why) has suggested that You’ll schedule the classes at any time of the day. levitra samples However, certain physical and psychological conditions cialis properien are responsible for developing erectile dysfunction in men. You will be able to create more friction and contact in her genitals to delight cheap viagra her with enhanced sexual pleasure. At times it may well be levitra sales uk unavoidable. I register myself somewhere nice (say Crate & Barrell, Pottery Barn, the Mac counter).

I am currently choosing to see my single status as a state of asshole-freeness.

Just for today, I am single and fabulous.