Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


My Summer Of Bitch-dom

“Fun” is not a word I would use to describe this summer. Neither would I use the word “relaxing” or even “sand-filled”…

But as I mentioned in the company meeting yesterday, it’s been a very “growing” time (“growing” being the universal euphemism for “total fucking nightmare”) that has yielded positive results in myself and others (and I’m not just talking about work peeps…). In a nutshell, before this summer I still believed in the idea of politeness as an effective form of communication. Was I running for office? Not unless it was for Senator Doormat, or Representative I Hate Everyone D-California.

For reasons that don’t really matter now, I was living in fear of appearing to be a “bitch” (as if that were a bad thing). The reason is that the branded one is to buy cipla tadalafil survive in this tough competition various online stores come out with daily discounts and offers. The tablet should only be taken during the sexual sessions and enjoy it without any hassle. order viagra without prescription However, if people feel much too tired with low resistance or immune function, some pathogens like bacterial, virus, mycoplasma, buy online viagra chlamydia or gonorrhea may invade prostate, and cause infection and inflammation in and around prostate and its surrounding tissues. In order to get rid of heartburn, it is on line cialis important to treat acidity effectively. What is a “bitch?” A much happier woman, it seems, than I have ever been in my life. Someone who speaks her truth and doesn’t take piles of shit from people to store in her lower intestines (I never thought about it before…but maybe that’s what IBS is?!!!). What I have learned from my very challenging job and some challenging personal relationships is that while direct honesty may not make for comfortable human interactions, it makes for much LESS stress and frustration, and, in the end (after the dust settles) a much stronger sense of connection to others.

I finally got it that I would rather be respected than liked.

Just for today, I am grateful for my summer of bitch-dom.

2 thoughts on “My Summer Of Bitch-dom

  • I’m not sure standing up and telling it like it is is bitchiness (I alway thought that was a canine reference, but then again, how many dishonest dogs do you know?) but I agree, honesty is the way to go. I, too, fear being one of the unliked. But it seems like we always end up not liking ourselves in doormatdom. So congrats on the awakening!

  • Stella


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