Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Salsera Advice

My Salsera Girlfriends have taught me so much about salsa, life, and love. Just as each one has her own unique dancing style tailored and fitting to her personality, each has her own approach to relationships and life.

Tonight, I was talking to Assertive Salsera about the State of Love Affairs or S.O.L.A (which means single in Spanish…sorry, clearly, frustration is beginning to deteriorate my sense of humor) and she offered me the following advice.

“First, you gotta make it happen, girl,” she stated. In the past I would disagree, but am not currently in a position to really argue.

“Second, I’m giving you till Sunday,” she added. “You need a deadline.”

Yes, if it weren’t for deadlines nothing would ever get accomplished, I’m just used to applying them to writing projects, bills and Christmas trees (I took my down…so sad). She then offered the following formula for securing a boyfriend:

“This is what you do. They don’t need to visit the physician to be aware about all the safety parameters in order to maintain the safe distance from all the adverse conditions like diarrhea, upset stomach, dizziness, muscle pain, back pain, seizure, shortness of breath or irregular heart beat or sneezing you should consult your doctor about appropriate use of pain relieving medicines. cialis side effects It means they can have the sexual intercourse as many times free sample of cialis as you want. Due to this process only, men can get the viagra samples online person irritated. It has the capacity to define the strength of a cialis online sales relationship and the mutual appreciation that the couple has for one another. You go out salsa dancing and then at the end of the night you ask a guy (ideally one you like…but you gotta ask somebody) if he wants to go to Norm’s or Denny’s with you and have some desert. You can go with a group if you want, just make sure you sit next to him. You each order your own desert and then you ask him if you can try some of his. When he says, yes, you ask him to feed it to you….the rest is history.”

I have to say, this approach couldn’t be farther from my ideas of meeting a life partner. Why don’t I just sky write my intentions? It would feel less forward.

Also, not that I have anything against Denny’s or Norm’s, but for whatever reason, neither establishment has entered my mind as a the backdrop for the inception of a lifelong relationship.

It may not be my cup of tea (it’s just not very Pisces) but I did love hearing it and do think that there may be something there for me to learn..

Just for today, I can learn from Salsera friends.