Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Bummed Out With Strangers In A Strange Coffee Shop Land

I’m in Coffee Shop Land, and this old guy sitting right next to me just asked if I would read a letter he’s been writing. Dude, this isn’t study hall. Do I look like I have all the time in the world? Don’t you realize that I’m collecting unemployment?

It’s not that I don’t want to help out a fellow Coffee Shop Land Dweller, but my experience in Los Angeles coffee shops (and other places) has taught me that when you try to help a stranger, God knows what you’re in for. For all I know, it was a letter to his estranged daughter who he orphaned when she was an infant because he was sent to jail for his involvement in a child porn ring. If I read it, I might get all triggered, and then spend my entire therapy session bug fixing all the broken links in my psyche (it’s like one giant Error 505 page). But, maybe it was a simple letter to his landlord who refuses to fix the plumbing in the bathroom sink? Either I’m Boundaryless Doormat, or a Heartless Bitch. Guess we’ll never know…

This Is My Day Job (guy who works behind the counter) is moving up to Northern California. Ah, to be young again and not know that life will suck wherever you live. Sorry to be so negative. And some, such as nandrolone (Deca-Durabolin) and trenbolone (Parabolan generic levitra online or Finapliks) converted to progesterone (also a female hormone, estrogen derivative). Getting the best out shop for viagra of using Propecia:Propecia must be taken on a daily basis. The visit will definitely help you in unearthing the root cause viagra price of your ED as it will also reduce the chance of side effects. The Nutritional Content of generico levitra on line Acai is nothing short of impressive. Just because I’ve spent 12 years in the city of Daily Pedicures, Valets, and Mad Ambition doesn’t mean I should take it out on the young and falsely hopeful.

I think I just got bummed out when I read about Maxim Online voting Sarah Jessica Parker, star of the incomparable Sex and the City (LOVE THAT SHOW!), the Unsexiest Women of the Year (so fucked up). Sarah Jessica Parker’s career and work is what has given me some iota of faith and hope in life, art, and the redemptive possibilities of the entertainment industry. Just because she’s made more money in the past three years than the entire editorial staff and readership combined is no reason to point out the fact that she’s done it without transforming her unconventional looks (though, I would love to have her eyes, hair and body) to meet our society’s robotic beauty standards. Unless, of course, you’re a bunch of angry white men who didn’t get laid in high school, have the imagination of a toothpick, and nothing better to do than to try to shake down those whose hard work has reaped rewards.

Fuck them, Sarah Jessica Parker. You’re my hero. If making millions of dollars by sharing my God given gifts and talents makes me unsexy, then bring on the granny underwear and the moo moos (trying to think of unsexy clothes).

At least the weather’s been nice.

Just for today, I can work in Coffee Shop Land.

One thought on “Bummed Out With Strangers In A Strange Coffee Shop Land

  • It may be a sad comment on my state, but I had to Google Ms Parker. Nothing particularly unconventional in my book. The online readers of maxim evidently have way too much time on their hands. Not to sound too flirty, but Ms Parker should be wishing she had YOUR unique and beautiful appearance. And you have wit and grammar. And you have a personality that shines, neither at one end without boundaries nor at the precipice of witchiness.
    Wellness and joy 2u,

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